May 11, 2014 at the Bowery Poetry Club, or whatever Bob Holman's calling it now (Bowery Arts + Science). Friends and fans of Larissa Shmailo got together to hear Amy King, Steve Dalachinsky accompanied by bassist Albey Bagochian, Marc Vincenz, Ron Kolm and of course, Larissa, read from her new book #specialcharacters (Unlikely Stories, 2014) as well as some of their own stuff. Jonathan Penton was up from Louisiana to host the event.
It was great!
Larissa, if you don't know, is a fierce hearted poet whose words rip and shred at you like an angry tiger - but when you listen to what she is saying, they awaken your heart and your mind to the potential for grace. Beautiful stuff is all I can say. Read her if you dare.
By the way, I know I'm late getting this done but if you know me, you know how things have been in my life. I'm okay, life's just plain NUTS.
BTW, this is my 201st blog post. Who knew it would go this long?