One of the benefits of having a large back-log of unselected and unedited photos is that when spending time reviewing them, going back 10+ years, I find some I can't believe I never did anything with. That makes me start thinking about whether I have more like them and I open my eyes to looking for something barely paid heed to before.
The four photos that are here fall into this category.
All of them are of places that are best described as eateries.
The first is one of those places that when you find it you immediately are glad you did. It's the Crossing Diner, located adjacent to where a the Finger Lakes RR tracks on the west side of Seneca Lake crosses NY Rt. 14. Over the door on the outside a sign forbidding complaints. The only complaint I had was that I couldn't eat there more often.

The next photo is of the Star Diner in White Plains NY. It is a leftover from another era - a true railroad car diner. The people who run it are friendly, the food is exactly what it should be, and that makes it very good. They treat every customer as if he or she is a celebrity and that, in this day and age, makes it worth a visit, not matter. Bring cash if you go, they don't take credit cards.
Eisenberg's Sandwich Shop on Fifth Avenue in Manhattan, across from the Flatiron Building, is another throwback. They have two slogans, "You either get it or you don't," and "Raising New York's cholesterol since 1929." I agree. It isn't world class haute cuisine but it is something you just don't find in Manhattan, or the other boroughs for that matter, an authentic New York City luncheonette. They don't stay open late enough for the dinner crowd, but lunch is served until they close. Recently they acquired a new owner who was quoted as saying he bought it because he loved the place and wants to keep it the same.

And then we come to an exterior shot of an East Village, Manhattan pizzeria. The photo speaks for itself.
Still hoping to raise money toward upgrading my equipment: