
Tuesday, May 22, 2012

The play my daughter wrote and co-directed Part 1

My daughter is in her final weeks of college - she graduates from the College of the Atlantic in a week and a half. Her senior project is title "The Psychology of Drama" and part of it was directing two plays, Edward Albee's The Zoo Story and her own A Flag of My Own. Zoo Story was back in the fall and you can find pictures of it here. A Flag of My Own was this past weekend. I made sure to be there, not to take pictures, though I did, and lots of them, but because my daughter is important to me, and it's important for her to know I support her in all the things she needs to do.

That said, here's the first batch of photos, beginning with the "overture" by Down the Drain, the co-directors directions to the audience and the first six scenes, in which all of the major characters are introduced and their characteristics displayed.

A friend of mine, reviewing the posting of an event I photographed told me it was easier for him to view the photos and recall the event than to watch the video of the event. The latter needed a couple of hours, the photos only minutes. Anyway, I've posted enough to give a feeling for the action as it flowed, minus the words. If you saw and heard the play, they might bring some of it back to mind.

There's going to be a whole bunch more going up over the next day or two.

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