
Tuesday, November 7, 2023

06/25/2023 - NYC Queer Liberation March 5 - People and Photographers (catching up #12)

At last, the final Queer Liberation March posting for 2023. This post has two parts. The first is the last batch of people photos. Some are people in the crowd, some are people posing for me. Most of the second part are people either taking photos, as I was or getting ready to take a photo. One is taking a photo of me. I've been taking photos of people taking photos for a long time so this small batch is one more in a long series. 

Yesterday I got into a brief email exchange with a friend of mine in which the Many World Interpretation (MWI) of Quantum Physics arose. The discussion didn't go into depth on the subject yet every time I think about some of the implications of the MWI. If one applies common sense to the subject, which is weird to begin with because common sense and quantum physics usually don't go well together, it might seem everything that can happen does, that the probabilities that are part of quantum mechanics are in a way besides the point. Since the measurement in an experiment seems determine a single result and that result is unique, the probability of its occurring in a particular way can be calculated. This doesn't answer the question of what about those other possible solutions? If a second measurement was made at the same moment, would the result be the same? Common sense says yes, quantum physics says not necssarily.

The MWI seems to state that there is 100% chance of every possible result occurring but they split the universe and occur in parallel. The probability to be measured is that of which universe you are in. Whew. As the first serious proposer of this theory, Hugh Everett III said, the result is not dependent on the observer. 

What does this have to do with my photos, my blog, or anything else in my life? Well, I'm 100% sure I am here, I am posting and the various photons that registered on the detector in my camera's chip did so. In some other universe, none of this is working at all.

In this universe I am finished writing. In some other, I can guess but because the nature of many worlds is such that I cannot be in contact with it, it's only a guess.




I love the interaction in the first two pictures here.


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