High Drama in Low Places
I didn’t write the script, I only recorded the events.
No plot, just people.
The train was busy, the streets of midtown full of gawkers and hawkers, philistines and stalkers. Madison south of E. 34th was okay, Union Square had a small greenmarket going on, but the holiday shopping stands were shuttered and fenced off - is there anything more desolate in the middle of the city than an abandoned holiday mall? Well, yeah, but this rates high on the desolation list. But no people, so no photos.
There was this kid walking his dog and this lady just couldn't believe how cute (she thought) the dog was, and she insisted on taking it's picture. This dog had the patience of - I don't know, not Job, - of a worn out commuter who expects the train to be late. The kid was more than happy to get the dog to pose. I didn't ask any of them if it was okay for me to take the picture. I just did.
And here's the top floors of the Flatiron Building. In and around Madison Square you dodge the tourists posing in and around the building. Somebody was nice enough to park a vehicle in just the right spot for me.