This is the fourth post of the performance event at Space Womb Gallery on 3/24/2012. In this post we see Ron Kolm, an Unbearable, reading, followed by a performance by Krzysztof Zarebeski. Ron read several linked short poems that told of crossing Ward Island, passing through the Manhattan State Hospital grounds. While Zarebeski was setting up, I told a story that concerned a woman's descent into madness that ended, coincidentally, with her being taken to the same hospital.
Zarebeski's work didn't do it for me. He played with pieces of recording media from three eras: vinyl, casette tape and compact disk. I will leave it at that.

The woman in this photo was so self-involved, so determined to get the photos she wanted, that without regard for the audience, she stood in the middle of the floor, she blocked other people's view of the performances, and in general made a show of herself. During Zarebski's performance, an audience member basically told her to get the fuck out of the way, which she did.

There was a break after Zarebeski finished. I went into the gallery's back yard to watch Dan McKereghan working on an ice sculpture. I don't know if he was finished with it by the time the program ended, but the ephemeral nature of sculpture in ice put me in mind of Tibetan Buddhist butter sculpture.

Back inside, a young British poet who prided himself on ex tempore poetic composition stepped to the mic and created a bit of word salad for the audience.
The British poet was immediately followed by Peter Grzybowski's piece. He worked in white, with a headband - martial arts image there I believe - illuminated by black light, with a projection of what he was doing on the wall behind him. He destroyed several things, including pieces of media: newsprint; computer monitor; tv; book. He made good use of a golf club.

There's at least one more post to come, with pix of Michael Carter reading, Erik Hokanson and 1KA performing their pieces, and someone rapping.
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