It rained really hard yesterday in Midtown Manhattan and probably some other places too but I wasn't at those other places. A little before 5PM there was almost no time lapse between the flash of lightening and the thunder. I am sure if I were to walk around the block to 5th Ave. I could've gotten shots of lightning striking the Empire State Building.
But I didn't. In a rainstorm that intense, you either stay indoors or put your umbrella up, your head down, and walk quickly to wherever you are heading.
It was still warm enough that had I been dressed in jeans and a tee-shirt, and not carrying gear, I might've closed my umbrella and danced all the way up Madison Avenue, singing something about
"laughing at clouds
so dark up above . . . "
But I wasn't in jeans and a tee, and I was carrying gear, so I didn't.
And speaking of the noontime sun, it was damn hot in NYC before the cold front that caused the rain blew into nYc. I was outside of Grand Central Terminal, on E. 43rd Street and Vanderbilt Avenue - which I hope becomes another pedestrian mall in the near future, what with the absurd sidewalk congestion in the area - when I saw this overheated fellow. Do I assume he was wiping the sweat from his brow?
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