I traveled upstate Saturday afternoon to see and hear Steve Dalachinsky reading at the
Seligmann Center for the Arts, which is in Sugar Loaf NY, in Orange County. The Seligmann Center is the late - very late, he died in 1962 - Swiss-American artist's studio and home, now home to a few Orange County arts and culture organizations, as well as the Seligmann's graves and some personal material. Steve's reading was sponsored by the
North East Poetry Center. He was chosen their "Distinguished Visiting Poet of fall and winter of 2012." Apparently, some of Steve's friends took issue with him being called distinguished, but during the approximately 90 minutes he read, he gave being distinguished a great shot.

Steve's a poet of both sound and meaning. I can't read his work without hearing his voice, which is a good thing.
There was a nice turnout to hear him. Nearly all the seats were taken by an attentive and appreciative audience. Poets Bill Seaton and Janet Hamill were gracious hosts.
Anyway, here's a few photos I took of the Seligmann Center for the Arts, and of Steve.
Permalink: http://kayester.blogspot.com/2012/12/saturday-afternoon-with-steve.html
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