But that will have to wait because while Hurricane Irma was hitting land in southwestern Florida, I was wandering around in NYC's own East Village, camera in hand. I took a few photos and at least a couple of people asked me where I'm posting them and I told them here. So there.
That said, first Mabel, that very handsome dog, and her human companion whose name I can't remember. It might have been Christine, or that might have been her friend with the orange sunglasses. Love those shades.
Next I ran into two poets who have been associated with the Unbearables, Eve Packer and David Huberman.
Then in the bar at the Sidewalk Cafe I got into a conversation with John and Sarah, or is it Sarah and John who are a musical group called Sweet Lorainne - they are playing the Pianos on the Lower East Side on 9/24. They were definitely fun to talk to and they inspired me to tell stories I find so full of oddities and outrageousness that they just had to be true.
And finally on my way out I stopped to ask this quartet why they were toasting each other. Turns out it was a birthday toast. So this picture's my birthday toast to them.
Hope Florida survives the tempest.
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