It was an astonishing day for this late in October, so pleasant and summer-like that a person could forget that it was already a month after the fall equinox. I'm not complaining but I'm spooked: too much of a good thing; too many odd weather events happening in too short a time to feel purely coincidental. Climate change? Global warming? Call it what you want but something is happening.
That said, the first photo is of three delightfully nice people in front of East Village Social fundraising for the people of Puerto Rico recovering from the devastation caused by Hurricane Maria. From left to right it's Jean Carlos, Mackenzey and Kolyn. The pastries are Kolyn's creations inspired by her grandmother's recipes and sold under the Charlie Pie's brand. Kolyn said they were her grandmother's recipes but I refuse to believe she hasn't adapted them and made them her own.
On my way west I swung over to East 7th Stret to say hello to someone and saw this sign in a window. I wouldn't have paid it much attention except the closest thing to a fence was the window guard and I couldn't imagine anyone hanging their bike from it, since it was about five or six feet above the sidewalk.
These last three are just once of those things I do, stop people, say hi and take their photo. The fellow in the bowler is a local. Very pleasant and friendly. The next one is a tourist visiting from Paris, France. It's nice to know that people from cities almost as interesting and nice as NYC come here to sight-see and find their way out of the main tourist drags. The last one were two friends hanging outside the restaurant where one works.
And people think New Yorkers aren't friendly. I beg to differ. No, I demand to differ!
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