
Sunday, December 24, 2017

Two web proofs of images lifted from the digital into the real world

Here are digital "proofs"of two prints I produced from some of my photos. The photos are not new.  They were shot in 2013. They are both re-imaginings of how I originally saw them, one into black and white and both in juxtapositon.

As you can imagine, they have a very different impact in the light of the real world.Even viewing them as a slide show doesn't do the same thing. So it goes.

There's a story to go with the second. In April 2013  I had the pleasure of photographing Kathy Supové performing several pieces based on the music of Claude Debussy. Here's a link to what I said then and some of the photos I shot http://kayester.blogspot.com/2013/05/the-best-pianist-living-in-new-york-you.html

Permalink: https://kayester.blogspot.com/2017/12/two-web-proofs-of-images-lifted-from.html

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