I have been hibernating. And though it is still early winter I need to rouse myself and do things I like doing that I haven't been - such as writing, taking photos, selecting photos for blog entries and editing them.
I know it's been crazy times - whenever we think we are out of the pandemic something happens and we seem neck deep in it again. I won't blame anyone, that won't do any good, but if all the selfish people who refuse to get vaccinated for either political reasons or anti-science irrationality were to get shots, the chances for new variants of the virus to emerge would be significantly reduce. And if people who think wearing a mask indoors with strangers is a violation of their liberty, then they don't know what citizenship and respect for others' liberty is about, and they should be shunned or only hang out with like minded people so they neither get nor spread the disease, especially the latter, which is where their liberty hits a hard line. You want respect, be respectful of others.
With this thought in mind, some photos of places usually occupied by lots of people, now quiet.
Deserted Mall |
Deserted mall |
Office Lobby |
Office Lobby |
Easton PA |
Madison Ave. |
Diner |
Diner |