
Friday, July 19, 2024

Why no posts for a couple of months

The short answer as to why I haven't posted is my camera broke. I was hanging out with one of my nieces and my great-niece when I got a this message on the display, "camera error - turn camera off and then on again." I followed instructions and got the same message. I tried everything the manufacturer said to try on their support website, I tried some things that worked for other people on the internet, but nothing worked.

The next day I called support and they referred me to the company that handles extended warranty repair. The tech there walked me through what I'd done and said it would have to come in. The next day I got an email instructing me to send them scans of my invoices and photos of the camera. I did. The next day I got another email asking for photos in a different format. I did that. Then I got a request for another photo, this one of the serial number - mind you I'd already sent that. It took three more emails before they got one they could read even though I could read them clearly. Ok. So be it. 

By now about a week's gone by. Then on the second Tuesday, I get another email with instructions on packing the camera, with the label for the box. I send it out the next morning via UPS and they have it on Friday. They told me they work seven days and that it could take up to 30 days for the repair depending on availability of parts. I still don't know what's wrong with the camera but now they have it.

I check a couple of days later on their website to follow the progress of the repair but their website is very erratic. One time it tells me only that the camera has been received. The next day the same. The day after that it is being repaired. The day after that the update is that it's in Quality Control. Then the same day I see that it's waiting for repair. Two very different messages the same day so I call. The customer support person checks and says they can't find the status except that they've got the camera.

Finally, after three weeks without my camera, I get a status update that it's repaired and will be shipped the next day. Two days later it's back in my hands, all fixed.

The shutter failed and some other part had to be replaced with the new shutter. 

And that explains why I didn't post for about two weeks.

Then I started a project that's been on hold for nearly half a century, which is about five years or so less than I've been writing in my notebooks by hand. I've started typing them and that is what started preoccupying me. Even with the camera back, even with me taking lots of photos, I was short on time to select and write an entry.

But now I'm back. That includes back from road trip that began and ended at Union Station in Chicago and covered parts of six state.

From that trip here's a very few photos. Maybe more over the next few days.


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