
Sunday, December 29, 2013

Three Boxing Days Photos 2013 - not in any way related to the holiday

The first time I ever heard that some folks call the day after Christmas "Boxing Day," and not knowing better, I imagined it as a day for people to slug it out. The only reason I could of was that they were angry at their gifts so they'd go over to the person who gave them the gift they didn't want - that fruit cake or absurdly ugly sweater or the socks that were the wrong color, the wrong material and the wrong size - and punch them in the head or the arm, or something.

But all this senseless violence must stop. The gift was given with the best of intentions, so if you hate it that much, just re-gift it, throw it in the back of the closet or exchange it for something you do want. And since then, and I was much younger, I've learned that Boxing Day isn't a day to duke it out with anyone. And just in case you still need to left the person know how you feel, the writers at the "Seinfeld" show invented Festivus as the day to air your grievances, and indeed, the gift you didn't want might be a grievance.

But please don't ask me what Boxing Day is about. That's why they invented Wikipedia, so you could look it up.

Three random photos shot in NYC on December 26, 2013.

The first one - and click on it if you want to see it larger - is a picture of what I nominate for the ugliest large building in NYC. I've seen better looking garbage cans.

The second one is a random graffito at a construction site in lower Midtown West. I asked where I could get my Free J@n D@e, but nobody knew. I guess it's as mysterious as where to get my free range chickens.

 And finally, this. I call it "Mixed Marriage." Their parents didn't think it would work out, but they've been together for years now and they're getting along better now than they ever did before. Mazel Tov and a long and happy life to the two of them.

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