Random Hello 3: Three people in two places.
Metro North Harlem Line
Name: Jesse Longman
Occupation: Playwright (I think)

I was with my friend Bob, heading home from the city on the 11:10 train.
He was sitting opposite the woman, with his Playbill in his hand. She
asked what we had seen. We got into a conversation with her about
theater - which she works in, books, film and photography. It was a
curious coincidence but she said she knows my friends Yuko Otono and
Steve Dalachinsky.
She was living in Westchester because she
didn't want to pay Manhattan rent. She looked for interesting locations
in the county to put on productions of her plays. She could speak
Russian and lived for awhile in Saint Petersburg.
Susan Winthrop

Susan was sitting next to Bob and she joined in the conversation. She plays a brass instrument - I think she said trombone but it might have been trumpet - with a big band that plays at the Tarrytown Music Hall. She also does audio and video work.
NE corner Broadway at E.23rd st.
Nane: Lauren
Occupation: Cook

A couple of minutes before I took this photo she ducked under my camera while I was
shooting a couple who'd given their camera to someone to shoot them in
front of the tree in the reflecting pool near the Farragut Memorial.
told her it was okay, and I told her what I was doing. We walked
through the park, and after we were out on the street I asked her if I
could take a picture of her.
She told me she'd misplaced her passport, which was bad because she was going to the Cayman's with her parents in a week.
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