
Friday, March 21, 2025

How can we save America from Trump and his toadies? Also, a Quark Story

 I wish I knew a way to make Trump go away or barring that, just shut up. He may be the worst president we've ever had, certainly the most dangerous. He is only willing to know what he wants to know and anything that disagrees with this is not only wrong but a betrayal. He will take a bribe, his opponents aren't the loyal opposition, they are his enemies and if he thinks someone or something is an enemy, then they are criminals. And the criminals who support him are justified in his eyes, their crimes committed in support of his felonious activity.

It seems his administration acts with a highly destructive impulsivity modeled on their demented leader. If we can't make Trump go away, if we can't make him shut up, can someone make him aware that not only is he an old man who can die any day now, but that what he's doing is making America weak, disjointed and divided. He seems to fear and misunderstand diversity. Hey Donald, it's not a zero sum game. The more diverse a workplace, a school, social environments, the more positive things are generated. Is he afraid that the positive will reveal to people what he's really like?

The idea that there is such a thing as human dignity, for the religious human divinity is beyond his comprehension because it isn't about him. Does he know what integrity is? 

His personal ethos is what's good for Trump is good for the world, If his supporters love him then they share his delusions. He doesn't care about them, only about himself. Hilary Clinton was wrong when she called them deplorables. That was almost a compliment. In truth, like Trump, they are self-delusionals and their delusions are hurting not only them but too many others as well.

Enough. No more ranting.

Beside having a story published by Sensitive Skin Magazine this week (click on this to go to it),  I give you another, this one a tale of three quarks and electron who walk into a bar and photo of a bar. I am not sure I've got the science right.

An electron and three quarks walk into a bar. It was a quiet place until they arrived. The bartender looked up when both doors opened and all of the particles weren’t sure which door they would go through until the bartender looked up.

The electron sat down on a barstool unwilling to interfere with itself. The bartender looked hard at the quarks.

“I don’t know if you’re up or down, top or bottom but I’m positive you can’t stay here naked and exposed.

Indeed, the bartender had something. No quarks had ever been seen, only the things they made, two positive up quarks and one negative down quark to make a proton,

And each of them a different color.

The bartender smiled. “I am uncertain what I know but you’re positive right?”

“Strange,” said one of the particles.

“Bottom’s up,” said the second.

“Charmed,” said the other.

The electron was looking rather hazy.

The bartender turned on the TV. The strangest baseball game was on the screen.

The playing surface was a field, the electromagnetic field, several baryonic disturbances  there and where the photon should be, a perturbed Higgs field dragging on all the others. Permalink

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