Yes, the ugly, turd-brained bankrupt real estate developer is president again and after two months he's showing himself to be even less mindful of unintended consequences than he was the first time around. Is he suffering from dementia?
You would hope both he and his sycophantic butt-lickers would've learned, but no. So now we have to work very hard to take back Congress in 2026 and work hard locally to keep some sanity in state and local governments, and look to our courts to keep the separation of powers and the rights of states before themselves.
I won't go into the BS that Musk, who ought to know better is involved it. I think part of his brain had enough so it got up and went.
Anyway, a couple of photos of a barn in Iowa I shot last summer and a brief essay on the asymmetry of our universe.
Don’t look for symmetry because it isn’t there. If there was symmetry in the universe we wouldn’t be here. What do I mean, you ask? Simple. In the beginning, at the moment when the big began to bang there was matter and there was anti-matter and every time matter mat antimatter – kaboom, they annihilated each other. What’s that got to do with symmetry and us being here, you ask? Well, in the beginning when the big nothing got banged, there should’ve been equal amounts of matter and antimatter and all of it should’ve met and been kaboomed. In a symmetrical universe, no matter, no nothing except the occasional pair of virtual, antithetical particles popping in and little kabooming out of existence.
But in our universe at the beginning when the big banged there was a slight asymmetry – not much, probably one part in a quadrillion billion but enough so that when matter met antimatter, there were enough particles without a dance partner, standing around the punchbowl and snack table, virtual wallflowers, unmatched, unkaboomed, that a universe full of matter could expand and then inflate and expand some more and 14 billion years later I can tell you there is no symmetry in our universe,, at least not true symmetry, only something that looks like an attempt at seeming symmetrical. Let’s call it quasi-symmetry and be glad that this is how it is.
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