
Friday, August 14, 2020

Friday - Another week during the pandemic. An intrepid reporter asked Trump directly about his lies.

 I made it into the office three times this week, and I'll shoot for the same next week. The train feels mostly safe, though walking through I see people with their masks down part way or fully, which is a little scary. If someone sitting where I can see them from my seat was doing that, I'd day something. This thing isn't over yet, though here, in NY state, positive tests are coming in at 1% of total or less. That is good news. 

Our fearful leader, Doofus Donald Trump, aka (by me) Boogers for Brains, sits in his portable isolation chamber ignoring the voices who would tell him truths that don't fit with the world as he sees it, so for him, those truths become "fake." I am waiting for him to tell us that smoking tobacco is good for us, and that the more people that do it, the few people who will live a long time collecting social security and using medicare. Well, it the Trump Zombies believe the things he says and live their lives by those things, and die younger, then maybe that will leave more for the rest of us. 

Meanwhile the country seems more divided daily, though I think the biggest rift is on the far right, and that group is significant but not nearly large enough to for a plurality. Are they 10% of the population but loud enough to sound like 25%, or 5% or less or more? I just don't know. Those people are irridentists when it comes to their belief in a White nation, White supremacy, and so on. They base their beliefs on a very dangerous fantasy.

I am reading a very interesting book which is putatively about James Baldwin but really asks the reader to confront the problem of racism in America as both ancient and current, the propagation of a lie that White people matter more that resists the idea that Black lives matter, and that many Whites feel deeply threatened by anything that would change their status. Not recognizing that indeed all lives matter and this must include specifically the lives of people of color, because through the present moment in America, for many many Whites, Black lives do not matter much, if at all, and that is why the movement to change that exists. If enough White people, a plurality or better, a majority are willing to stand with their co-citizens who are people of color, and confront the hate that is White Supremacy directly, the haters can be driven back into the caves from which in the time of Doofus Donald Trump, a fat man with fatuous ideas and a zombie-like following, they have emerged emboldened.

We must unelect Trump, we must take back the Senate, we must make our voices heard and we must bring both justice and mercy back to America.

A few photos I took this week while passing through Grand Central Terminal.

Permalink https://kayester.blogspot.com/2020/08/friday-another-week-during-pandemic.html

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