
Wednesday, August 12, 2020

Wednesday - Internet service restored. Does anyone with any sense of reality believe anything Trump says?

Yes, finally, after a week, it seems that the pathetic company is part of a duopoly that provides internet and cable service to the region, finally started to bring their customers back online. Will they offer a reduction of next month's bill? I doubt it. I doubt they will even offer a heartfelt apology. It is inexcusable, just as the local electric utility's unpreparedness for anything except blue-sky weather is inexcusable.

The Town Supervisor of the locality where I live is livid, and it takes a lot to get him to recommend anything but the status quo, recommending that we write to the state's utility regulators, our state senators and assembly-persons, and the governor because ConEd will just say they couldn't have anticipated it. What bullshit.

Which leads me to the biggest piece of bullshit there is, Doofus Donald Trump, whose got boogers for brains, indeed.

The simple absurdity of Doofus Donald's lies, the sheer magnitude of their unbelievability - does he think his base is really THAT stupid? I certainly hope not. But if I hear any of them repeating what he said - that if Biden is elected Americans will HAVE to learn Chinese - I will know just how gullible they are.

It occurs to me that if there is such a thing as Trumpism, it is synonymous with racial hatred, the enablement of violence and the destruction of beneficial institutions. It is designed to oppress both the base followers and all opponents. It is meant to empower and enrich the corrupt sTrump'et family and their enablers and hangers-on, at the expense of everyone else. It is a movement of hate and any Christian who embraces it has abandoned the basic tenets of their faith in a deal with the devil. It is very sad indeed to see this spectacle and to follow the ignorance and self-delusion that are the biggest part of the belief system these people embrace.

That Doofus Donald sTrump'et politicized the pandemic instead of putting aside his pathological vanity and egoism, and seeing that it wasn't all about him, but about the nation and the world, we might not be the worst hit country with the most deaths, and that number growing because the acolytes of Boogers for Brains Trump, essentially the Death Eaters of the world of Harry Potter, follow their Voldemort blindly and lash out at those who disagree with them.

It is a time to be bold, to put timidity and even politeness aside, confronting these death eaters where they are, and telling them to their face that what they are doing, and what they believe, are hellish and hell bound.

 Please, fellow Americans, recognize how dangerous Boogers for Brains Trump is, and do something about it: Unelect Trump in November. 

I was in Midtown Manhattan every day this week. It is still quite quiet.

A mixed bag of things I saw.

Permalink  https://kayester.blogspot.com/2020/08/wednesday-internet-service-restored.html

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