
Monday, August 17, 2020

Monday - Back to Manhattan. Trump: wrong man, wrong time, wrong place and wrong job!

It was a lovely Monday indeed, even with the punctuation of an afternoon and evening thundershower. The Democrats have their virtual Presidential Nominating Convention starting tonight. Now we can formalize the process of getting Doofus Donald out!

Donald Trump is the wrong man in the wrong job at the wrong time in the wrong place. During the 3 1/2 years since his inauguration his domestic policies have been dangerous at their best, destructive and hateful most of the time. He has the mentality of a real-estate developer - if a piece of land is not being exploited, even if its current use is the most appropriate, he wants to see something done with it. So to hell with conservation, to hell with environmental impact, to hell with the people who are using the land now, and to hell with the long term consequences. 

The one saving thing in all this is how his timing really sucks. At this time, opening land for oil exploration and exploitation is simply stupid. Consumption of petroleum products is way down and unless the economy was to suddenly inflate itself, which seems unlikely, there is both a current glut of product and a large overcapacity of reserves and unused production. This has driven prices low, too low for many producers to break even, and too low for most to make a profit. I fail to understand the rationale behind his opening the arctic to drilling, especially at this time.

The COVID-19 pandemic has also shown him at his worst. The sad thing is that his worst is abysmal and dangerous. When he shows his medical expertise, he also shows that indeed, his brains are made of boogers. It is everything he’s said first that’s been both wrong and hazardous. His musing from the platform that since bleach kills the virus on surfaces, what would it hurt to use it internally? It’s a poison and will kill you. The Malaria drug he touted, hydroxychloroquine  turned out to kill more patients than it helped, a strumpet debacle when he said , “what could it hurt.”, The politicization of wearing a mask has probably resulted in keeping the virus spreading, in both areas where he has his greatest support as well as areas where he does not, since it his largely his supporters who angrily refuse the simple fix. Add in the predictions that the virus will simply go away, and on and on and you have a president in so deep he’s drowning. And now, Ben Carson, the secretary of Housing, a medical doctor but neither a virologist nor and infectious disease specialist,- his specialty is pediatric neurosurgery, and the Mike Lidnell, CEO of MyPillow are pushing another unproven treatment, this time a botanical, Oleandrin. Lindell has a financial stake in the company developing the product. The pr they are touting is that of a miracle cure. If it is so good, where is the public data on it?

All this is scary, and doesn’t speak to the other areas he’s failed and is floundering, such as his blatant racism and race baiting throughout his term. The simple statement that nobody has done more for the blacks than he is racist in affect as well as demonstrably a lie.

But when directly asked about his lying, he refused to answer in any way. What could he say? That lying gives him pleasure? That what he says isn’t for the people who will never vote for him anyway, but for those who get their news from non-factual souces such as Infowars. These people probably think the Onion’s stories are real. 

There is little we can do except continue to make our voices heard and come November, vote the bastard out of office and into JAIL.

A small batch of photos taken today and last week of two wheeled - well one three wheeled - transport in and around Midtown Manhattan.

Permalink https://kayester.blogspot.com/2020/08/monday-back-to-manhattan-trump-wrong.html

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