
Wednesday, May 19, 2021

Wednesday - Loop Quantum Gravity vs. Superstring Theory

 What a teaser of a title. I've been studying these approaches to a theory of quantum gravity. I won't say I understand either, I certainly can't do them, but the people who speak of them, such as Professors Ed Witten and Brian Greene make strong arguments for them but, and this is a big but, is this physics or is this philosophy? Nobody has figured out a way to test either of these proposals but everyone on all sides of the argument will tell you the math is very elegant, perhaps even beautiful. Aesthetics is a funny way to justify scientific speculation but it's not facts, it's not experimental confirmation, but it is fun to think about.

I've thought about how the academic studies of philosophy and science parted ways some time in the 19th or 20th Century. Well, in a specialized area of theoretical physics, science and philosophy seem to be dovetailing again. Interesting thing to ponder.

These photos are a very random selection taken during the first few months of my learning to use my new camera. Note: as with the photos I was posting during the early days of the pandemic, there are no living people in them. I like them.



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