
Friday, September 4, 2020

Friday - We know Trump thought it and what he thinks he says

 It is very easy to believe that Doofus Donald Trump did tell someone that those dead soldiers are losers, and that anyone who served was a sucker. We know he didn't serve, and that he had the medical excuse of "bone spurs" in his heels, which didn't keep him from skiing the winter he was diagnosed with them. But I wont' get crazy about his dodging the draft during the Vietnam War. Lots of people looked for ways out, and for most of them, those were legitimate or temporary. The difference for Doofus Donald was his dad might have paid a doctor to give that diagnosis. We'll never know for sure.

But the contradictions inherent in a man who is a physical coward but loves to surround himself with the reflected glory of military leaders, who wants to be honored with military parades when he would never want to find himself having to go to war himself. He is the ultimate proxy soldier - pay someone else to do your fighting and dying, while you take credit for any success and if it's a failure well then it was the losers and suckers who are at fault.

I wonder if there is any low to which this man will not stoop?

Biden jumped all over the news and strongly criticized sTrump'et for his unconcern about the people who serve in the military, and then dug it in a little deeper by crediting sTrump'et with a complete disdain as well as lack of compassion for those who are jobless and struggling to make ends meet. 

I was a lukewarm Biden supporter but I am beginning to like this guy more.

Unelect Trump.

Biden for President.

Locally, ultraconservative Rob "Sock Puppet" Astorino is trying to recast himself as a moderate Repulsive in the local election. He claims to be fiscally responsible but his record as Westchester County Executive belies that claim and the bond rating agencies agreed with me because they downgrade the county's debt twice during his terms. He wanted to sell off properties that could be managed in ways that paid into the county's budgets for years instead of a one time sale with a loss of control over what happens to the property in the long term. 

Pete Harkham is not only a good person, but he's done a good job representing his district and working for the good of the state. 

Reelect Harkham to the NY State Senate.

The photos are a short sequence I shot a few years ago. I think she was a tourist.



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