
Thursday, September 24, 2020

Thursday - Deconstruction of the JPMorgan Chase building continues. Trump threatens a coup while the rest of the Republicans say no.

Late September is a nice time of the year in the New York area. Cool nights and mornings followed by temperate afternoons and evenings. Today was like that. Now all we need is to see more people back in town, keeping their masks on and managing the social distance dance.

I keep walking past the food court, Urban Kitchen, near Grand Central, hoping that they will open for grab and go until they are ready to open for limited indoor seating, but no such luck. I thought I saw some activity there earlier this week, and perhaps they are getting ready for re-launching at the beginning of October.

At least Mama Jo’s Breakfast cart is steadfast and reliable on its corner on E. 47th St. at Park Ave. She’s been there for more than 30 years, seen the bank across the street change hands and name a few times, and now dealing with the de-construction workers taking the building down. They are making real progress and one day soon that building will follow the one on Madison Ave. and become a temporary hole in the ground before new construction begins.

Somehow, I don’t think I’ll still be working in the area when that happens.

Doofus Donald seems to be rattling the coup d’etat alarm - won’t commit to leaving office if and when he is defeated, won’t promise a peaceful transition. I am trying to evaluate what these noises  really mean. In the worst case scenario, he tries to stay on after being defeated. It’s worst case because he will be escorted from the White House by the same Secret Service tasked with protecting him from assassins and other dastardly characters. He might try to lock himself in and hope that the far right wing of the Repulsive Republicans rise up in arms against the legitimate government. Shades of Spain 1936 when Francisco Franco tried to seize power and thrust his nation into a bloody and divisive civil war. I do think that some people might but Doofus Donald has done his best to alienate the military hierarchy and they will do what they’ve traditionally done, and stayed out of politics. With that in mind, those White Supremicists, Armed illegal militias and such would find themselves outmatched by the police, state troopers and even the National Guard. In fact, it might serve to see them crushed once and for all.

The sad thing about what is going on in the White House now, and for the past four years, is the level of corruption the Trump administration has fostered. You can open up a real newspaper on any day and find something to make you sigh, grit your teeth and push to get the bastards out of power and into prison. Today there is news that the fungicide lobby -  who knew such a thing existed - pushed hard and successfully to keep any mention of drug resistance driven by increased use of fungicides in agriculture, a threat to all of us, from the international policy position on things such as this and food safety standards. It figures that Trump had a vetinary pharma executive put in charge of these things at the FDA.

And since it is up to the White House to enforce violations of the Hatch Act, which was designed to keep current administration officials from making Political and commercial pitches while on the job. It’s been a drumbeat phenomena for the self-serving Trump administration, and it makes me want to see some teeth added to the act. It won’t happen as long as Doofus Donald Trump and his band of mobsters are in office.

I could go on. But we know the drill. Vote for Biden/Harris and unelect Trump and his band of evil-doers. 

Biden/Harris for President/VP 2020

These photos were shot today. The first one is Mama Jo of Mama Jo's NYC.  The rest are of the construction site and a couple of the people working there. 

Dig they must for a better NY. But get your coffee from the best breakfast cart in Midtown Manhattan.


Permalink https://kayester.blogspot.com/2020/09/thursday-deconstruction-of-thee.html

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