
Tuesday, September 22, 2020

Tuesday - No way to catch up but hoping the worst for the Repulsive wing of the Republican party.

 The weather is changing. Today is the equinox, so Autumn is here. The temperature over the weekend was cool which was fine indoors, with the windows closed, but it made sitting in synagogue for Rosh Hashanah services with the walls open somewhat uncomfortable. Today it warmed a tad, though the scooter ride down to the train station yesterday and today was rather chilling. Yesterday I wasn’t as well layered as I was this morning, but even today I was feeling it by the time i got off the scooter.

But riding a Citibike to meet up with Shalom and Ron at the Remedy Diner on Houston St. was fine. What was interesting to me, since this is the first time in months that I was riding back uptown to Grand Central Terminal during the PM rush hour, was just how many bikes and electric kick-scooters were using the bike lane on First Ave. My previous experience was that I pretty much had the bike lane to myself or shared it with just a couple of riders, from E. 14th St. until I turned off at E. 37th St. It wasn’t jammed but it was busy, and almost nobody passing me bothered to announce their presence. Easy to have an accident that way.

Grand Central Terminal is still pretty empty, even at 5PM. I’ll post a couple of pictures of the concourse. The train is busier, though. Still not crowded but I don’t feel as isolated as I’d like. Partially this is because of the number of people but also because  person decided to sit right across the aisle from me even though there are empty rolls further down the train. She’s wearing her mask and facing the same direction, so I’m not really breathing her air, I hope.

I didn't post yesterday because I am feeling a bit burnt out. The death of RBG left me feeling empty, and seeing that cheese curl headed man who currently is the POTUS seize on her passing as a political moment, aided and abetted by 50 or so Repulsive Republicans, chortling at their moment, smiling through their hypocrisy, cheered on by their base who long for a moment when their version of how other people should live - regardless of their own hypocrisy, and believe me, I’ve seen it - based on a set of beliefs they claim is given to them by god, something I firmly doubt, since god doesn’t really seem to give a shit about us or them - might be made into law.

It’s disheartening, it’s dismaying and all I can do is hope that come November we do something about it.

I don’t know how the rash actions of McConnell, Graham, Trump and the rest of that repulsive, despicable group can be held back, and so I look out from there and wait for Clarence Thomas to kick the bucket, or have a stroke. And I hope Graham loses his reelection bid, smug and self-satisfied SOB that he is. They all are full of themselves, and think they know how everyone should think. I’m sorry, their version of orthodoxy is simply wrong when applied universally. It is merciless, it is bigoted and it is hateful. It makes me think the worst pains for them. If the god they believe in is a just god, which I doubt, then they will suffer in their personal hells. But since I doubt there is a god, let alone a just god, then it is up to us to see justice done.

And, as promised, some pictures taken today and also yesterday, in Grand Central Terminal. Not empty but still eerily quiet for the time of day when these were taken.


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