
Thursday, September 10, 2020

Thursday - Did Trump lie or not tell the truth?

 If you were paying attention, and if you cared, you got to hear an audio recording of Doofus Donald being honest about not being honest. He admitted to Bob Woodward druing an interview late this past winter that he deliberately underplayed the severity of the Covid-19 illness when speaking publicly. He said it was because he didn't want to cause people to panic.

When asked today by  ABC reporter Jon Karl during a brief news conference, "Why did you lie to the American people?" Doofus Donald Trump replied, ""I didn't lie. What I said is we have to be calm. We can't be panicked." 

But that's not he said to Woodward and I don't think that's anything he ever said. 

This is the same man who, when confronted during an interview with the ongoing 1000 deaths per day from Covid-19, said. without emotion or empathy, "It is what it is."

There is something wrong with this man. The person he didn't want to panic was himself, the people who died are not just, "what is," they are casualties of poor preparation of a poorly led response to the crisis, and then a doubling down on what wasn't working, in hopes, and I guess this is Boogers for Brains' magical thinking, that it would just go away.

What's the word for a person who keeps on doing the same thing even though it doesn't work?

Alternatively, he might be suffering from multiple personalities, one wants power, the other wants nothing to do with it, which might explain some of his completely contradictory statements and actions. He keeps shooting himself in the foot before putting it in his mouth because he doesn't want to win reelection even though he really does.

I will say something I've said before.

This is scary and I am not one to be easily frightened.

So folks, let's be sane and vote Trump out of office this year.

These photos were taken about 10 years ago at the Columbia University Computer Music Center. Douglas Repetto was the assistant director and an amazing sound artist. These were in his studio.

Permalink https://kayester.blogspot.com/2020/09/thursday-did-trump-lie-or-not-tell-truth.html

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