
Tuesday, September 15, 2020

Tuesday - It's feeling like fall a bit earlier than usual. The Scientific American endorsed a candidate for President for the first time in its history.

 I worked from home today. It was cool enough this morning that we closed all the windows yet it was a gorgeous day. I almost wish I didn't have to be working and when I took a break about 2PM to run to the supermarket for some essentials, I was happy to be outside.

The Carolina wrens who've been serenading all summer are still with us, their, ''judy judy judy" calls sound from early morning until dusk, and I've more than gotten used to it, I look forward to hearing it and pause when they call. Sometimes I yell back and they answer me.

The hummingbirds may have started their migration. I haven't seen any for a few days.

On the Doofus Donald Trump front, it is notable that for the first time in its 175 year history The Scientific American magazine is endorsing a candidate for President, and it is Joe Biden. 

Doofus Donald has been the most anti-fact, anti-science and anti-intelligent president during my lifetime, and that says a lot considering we had Ronald Reagan and George W. Bush, and as anti-intelligent as they were, paid attention to people who were experts in areas they did not have much knowledge in. Doofus Donald thinks he is an expert in everything, and most of us acknowledge that anyone who thinks he knows it all usually knows nothing, and most of the time gets that nothing wrong, too.

So kudos to the publishers and editors of The Scientific American for publicly recognizing just how bad it's gotten here.

To add a little emphasis, Doofus Donald took his boogers for brains to California to inspect the damage from the human driven Climate Change driven fires, and denied again that climate change is being driven by human activity.  

He thinks it's like the virus, and will just go away.

I'll paraphrase what the rabbi in Fiddler on the Roof prays, when asked for a blessing for the Tsar, "May god bless and keep President Trump . . .  far away from us . . . on another planet would be good."

The photos I'm uploading tonight I took probably seven or eight years ago, are from a session with a woman I was friendly with who worked as a dominatrix.

Permalink https://kayester.blogspot.com/2020/09/tuesday-its-feeling-like-fall-bit.html

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