
Monday, September 14, 2020

Monday - looking back at the weekend. Caputo is mad, bad and paranoid to boot.

 The tour of the Mark Twain House and museum yesterday got me thinking about Sam Clemens of Hannibal, Missouri who became the Mark Twain of American literature, letters and legend. It's a long way from Hannibal to Hartford, and along the way he added a wife, had four children and wrote some books that are arguably among the most American of novels, especially Huckleberry Finn and Tom Sawyer. 

The house somehow seemed the right place for those books to have been written. Yes, it's half a continent away from the Mississippi River but distance lends perspective, and I got the feeling, walking through those rooms, that Huck and Tom and Becky and Jim and all the rest were lurking in corners. 

The third floor billiard room, where he did most of his writing, was a great space. It felt appropriate for a man whose wit and skill elevated him from the working poor to the class of literary lion. 

I am glad I visited. It is different from the palatial homes of the railroad barons and industrialists, which never seemed to feel like they were lived in. I felt the same about Olana, Frederick Church's home overlooking the Hudson outside of Hudson, NY; Sunnyside, Washington Irving's home on the Hudson in Irvington, NY; Thomas Coles' cottage and studio in Catskill, NY and Melville's home, Arrowhead, near Pittsfield, MA. These were places where humans lived, worked and created. I don't believe in hauntings or spirits, but the works of these artists and writers live in our minds and we project them onto these places.

Back in the present: Yesterday I wrote about Michael Caputo's attempts at controlling the reports coming out of the CDC because he thinks they are politically slanted to make his boss, Doofus Donald Trump, look bad. Of course they are not meant to do that, it's Doofus Donald who makes pronouncements that go against the facts of these statements, so he makes himself look bad.

Today is is reported in the NY Times that Caputo thinks there is a conspiracy at the CDC, that there are leftist threats against his life and that there will be an armed uprising against Trump. I doubt all of these, but what I have come to believe is that Caputo is BAT SHIT CRAZY!

Remember folks, when it comes to Doofus Donal Trump, it is always about him, and not about the people, not about the country. In his mind, what's good for the country should be what's good for him.

For our country, for the rule of law and order, vote for Biden.

UNELECT doofus Donald Trump.

These photos are a couple of years old. The cat cornered a mouse and chased it in to the bathroom where it couldn't get away. But would he finish the job? Pancake is not the mouser we hoped he would be.


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