
Thursday, September 3, 2020

Thursday - overnight thunderstorms. Trump's trade policies area total flop. He is too, but we have to make sure

Thinking about Doofus Donald Trump, I wonder about what is his reality? Except for an excel of vanity, the construction of an imaginary world where everything he does works right, and lots and lots of of noise, really nothing. But that nothing is toxic and has inspired many people to evil acts. 

But tonight I tone things down and take a quick look at how well Trump's trade policies have fared. Are we now exporting more and importing less? You might think with all of his furious, "I like tariffs" noise that perhaps that would be the case. As with almost everything Trumpian, it's not that way at all. Rather than turn the deficit around,  the trade deficit now is greater than it's been since 2008.In particular, the goods deficit with China rose 11.5 percent to $31.6 billion in July and to a record high of 10.6 Billion with Mexico. 

As with so many things Trump trumpets, much sound, much fury, pure idiocy. And even on those occasion when he has the right thought - remember even a broken clock is correct twice a day - he has no follow through, no method to his madness, just madness, anger and bile mixed in with an overflowing well of narcissism. This is not a good thing.

 No use pointing this out to the true believers, the Trump-zombies. They will tell you it's fake news, a pack of lies, all made up to make their almighty Trump no-god look bad.

The fact is, it doesn't take much to make him look bad and an awful lot to make him look good. 

Four portraits of the NYC based poet Tom Savage taken in April, 2013.

Permalink https://kayester.blogspot.com/2020/09/thursday-overnight-thunderstorms-trumps.html

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