
Friday, September 18, 2020

Friday - Worked from home, took care of business. I want this campaign season to be over already.

 I worked from home today, but not because I'm overly concerned about commuting. The trains I take have been running at 15% of capacity, so it's easy to stay away from people, and almost everyone is keeping their mask on all of the time. The inconsiderate ones who don't are just that, inconsiderate asses. If someone was to say something to me about their "rights" being violated, I'd ask them why they wear pants. And if they don't get it, then I know they are asses both top and bottom. It's not about politics, it's about stopping the disease from spreading, and keeping yourself from getting it. But since the A-hole-in-chief, Doofus Donald Trump, has made it political, has cast his magical thinking as some sort of genius, which he most obviously is not, he is eagerly followed by the mindless minions, and some who ought to know better.

Interesting bit of news was the head of the FBI, Christopher Wray, a Trump appointee, telling the House Intelligence Committee, that which the Trump administration, and most notably, the Attorney General Bill "I've got an AGENDA" Barr, the barren barrister, the bullying bulbousity of bile, have been either denying or downplaying, “Racially motivated violent extremism,” mostly from white supremacists, has made up a majority of domestic terrorism threats, he said. And, he was also quite direct in stating that white supremacist and anti-government groups were the primary threats. In particular, he noted neo-Nazi groups such as Atomwaffen Division and the Base. White supremacists have carried out the most lethal attacks on American soil in recent years.

But Barr, whose single-track mind only sees danger on the left and comfort on the right, has that agenda of his and he's going to push it along as far as he can, until he's out of office.

So to get him out we need to Unelect Trump.

Vote Biden/Harris for President. And if you have the opportunity to vote for a Democrat candidate for Senate and the House, please do so. 

 Tonight, a few photos from the first, but I hope not last Easton (PA) Book Festival, last Fall. 

 Permalink https://kayester.blogspot.com/2020/09/friday-worked-from-home-took-care-of.html


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