
Wednesday, September 23, 2020

Wednesday - It's more than six months now since the March lockdown. Fauci schooled Rand Paul the magical thinker

 It's odd and interesting to think it's now more than six months since NY State locked down as corona virus started to spread, six months since the full impact and the dread that came with it landed. I didn't think it would be bad, then I saw it was very bad and so I did what I needed to - cocooned, isolated at home and was glad I had the money to pay bills and keep things going. It was so strange, not going out to the diner for dinner on Friday evenings, not hanging out with friends at a bar or cafe in the city, not taking the train into Manhattan every weekday and many Sundays, never going to the movies, not able to visit a museum. 

But the efforts proved themselves and now, as NYC looks at limited seating indoor dining at restaurants, at reopening museums, and working harder to enforce the wearing of face coverings to prevent the spread of the Covind-19 virus. The number of positive tests is below 1% in NYC and across the state, methods are in place to limit community spread when an outbreak seems on the verge of starting, as happened in Oneonta and might be occurring in some communities insisting on a traditional instead of cautious approach to the High Holy Days and synagogue prayer, and most people seem to get it.

Where cases were scarce, and people were disbelieving, they are putting themselves at risk if they act as if nothing is happening, because it is a very serious illness. We've had more than 200,000 deaths in the USA from the virus, and the potential for that number doubling before the end of the year is too possible.

It is neither difficult nor inconvenient to wear a mask when around other people you don't live with. Not wearing one is not an exercise of your rights, it's an exercise of selfishness and inconsideration, rashness and a willingness to both give and get the illness. You want to exercise your rights? Stop wearing pants.

In DC, Senator Rand Paul, who claims to be a "board certified ophthalmologist," even though the board that certified him is not recognized by the AMA, and was created by Rand Paul, showed off his ignorance and a bit of that magical thinking that is rife among the Repulsive wing of the Republicans. He claimed that the reason for NY State's low rate of positive testing for Covid-19 is due to herd immunity. While more than 20% of New Yorkers test positive for antibodies, that is far too low a percentage for anything like herd immunity to be involved, as Dr. Fauci clearly explained to the doubtful Senator. It goes against Senator Paul's worldview, so it must not be. I'm sorry, Mr. Paul but just because you want something to be a certain way, doesn't mean it is, no matter how hard you wish for it.

Mr. Paul - who calls himself Doctor - argues against what he calls the "nanny state." I say let someone start shitting on the edge of his property and say it's their right, and see how fast he gets the "nanny state" involved. If people only act on their own behalf, thinking that what's good for them is good for everyone, then we'd see the bodies piling up.

I try not to hate but there are more people edging onto the schadenfreude list, where when something bad happens to that person I'll take some pleasure. Rand Paul just made it.

These photos are a couple of years old. I was at a reading at the Parkside Lounge on East Houston St. and ran into a vegan chef I was acquainted with, Teresa Borek. She was in a good mood and played around for the camera. Fun.


Permalink  https://kayester.blogspot.com/2020/09/wednesday-its-more-than-six-months-now.html

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