
Friday, July 17, 2020

Friday - The Carolina wren sat on the window sill while the Trump administration denies science. What a morning it was.

The Carolina wren perched on the window sill. Turning it's head first one way and then the other, it looked into the room and checked me out. I did the same back at it. The bird flew away and a moment later I could hear it's song, "Judy Judy Judy." I am amazed a bird so small can have such a loud call.

In one breath Kayleigh McEnany, White House Press Secretary says that Doofus Donald wants the schools to reopen and "The science should not stand in the way of this," and then continues to talk about what our "peer nations" are doing, without mentioning that most of those nations have gotten some sort of grip on the virus's spread, while we have not. Everyday now there are more new cases than any previous day, and increasing deaths are following. In places where cases are rapidly increasing and testing is strong, the percentage of new cases is higher too.

But did you get that: THE SCIENCE SHOULD NOT STAND IN THE WAY OF THIS. We should just join Doofus Donald and wish the virus away.

Another clear example of magical thinking and how dangerous Doofus Donald is to the nation.
And it gets worse.

And what is happening in Portland OR? I have seen the videos - armed men with nearly no identifying markings slamming people to the ground and hauling them away in unmarked cars. The rule of law is falling apart there, and it is the people who are supposed to be enforcing it that seem to be overstepping the line and acting like stormtroopers. Very scary indeed.

It is 109 days until the election. Will our democracy survive?

We must get ourselves out and working to keep it alive, despite the best efforts of the a-hole-in-chief to undermine it, supported by his boot licking toadies, ass licking cronies and the ever-sTrump'eters in the Senate who bow and praise his every mouth fart as the word of god. We can do this by marching in the streets, making phone calls and if it gets safe enough, canvassing door to door, at train stations and bus stops, wherever people are and showing them gently why it's important, while giving the finger to the right wing Rep(ulsive)ublicans who only see red.

It was nice to see Chris Wallace fact check sTrump'et to his face on live tv - calling out the lie about defunding the police. Poor Doofus Donald, you will call it fake news anyway and your believers will, well, believe you. 'Tis pity he's a whore.

Funny comment I saw from George Conway. He said the sTrump'et campaign has finally found their slogan and it is "The science should not stand in the way."

We must unelect Trump. We must take back the Senate. We must unite the center and the left because there seems to be nobody moderate remaining on the right.

Perhaps the virus will devastate those who consider wearing a mask and infringement of their liberty and there will be fewer of them voting in the fall. But I'd rather they got the message and started wearing the mask out of respect for the people they might infect.

Unelect Trump and dump the Repulsive party, show the Republicans out.

A few street scenes, probably my favorite type of photography. The couple at the end posed for me. I saved them from taking the ugly route into Grand Central. They are from the north of England and they love their football.

Permalink http://kayester.blogspot.com/2020/07/friday-carolina-wren-sat-on-window-sill.html

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