
Sunday, July 26, 2020

Sunday - America on the cusp - Trump 's trial balloons for repression are failing.

Mark Meadows sounds like he's been spending too much time around sTrump'et - now he's got boogers for brains. When asked about how the revised unemployment supplement would be implemented, with major changes to its formula, all he could say is it would work and it would be great. He is sounding like his boss, who promises H...U...G...E and delivers little or nothing.

It's a dangerous situation. The Repulsives are are house divide against itself, with the extremists wanting to end it while a larger group needs something or they will endanger their own seats as welll as the Repulsive majority. That the dysfunction has become so public is rather pathetic. Boogers for Brains describes anyone in the Repulsive Party that isn't a zombie following his line as a RINO, including former Speaker of the House Paul Ryan. Ryan is no longer a sTrump'et Zombie but he is by no means a moderate. His Conservative credentials are strong, probably stronger than Doofus Donald's who is more demagogue than political,

The policy of sending Federal law forces into Portland has backfired. It has awakened anger across the country and new protests are now springing up. People who probably seeing videos of people being dragged off the street, of peaceful protesters goaded into escalating their actions, will endanger the administration's credibility more.

Black lives matter, justice is for all and not just an entitled majority, a tyranny of the majority is still tyranny.

We are at a crossroads. Confront the sTrump'et Zombies wherever you see them, but be polite. Don't fall into their cowardly tactics of anonymous death threats, of brandishing fists and offering to beat you up if you disagree. But be prepared at all times to defend yourself and in so doing, your community and our country.

Unelect Trump. Biden for President.
Help unelect Repulsive senators by volunteering your time or making small donations.

And make sure to vote in November.

From mid-February to mid-March, only one person I knew was worrying a lot about what was called then the novel corona virus. It was a problem in China, but we hadn't heard about cases here, yet. Then suddenly, the normalcy descended into shut-downs, thousands then tens of thousands, millions and now more than 15 million people infected with the virus, and almost 150,000 deaths in the USA. 

A few photos taken in late February and early March 2020 in midtown Manhattan.
These will be part of a series called, "Before the Plague: Pre-Pandemic Manhattan."

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