
Tuesday, July 21, 2020

Tuesday - First day back in Manhattan; Boogers for Brains says "it's going to get worse"

Today was the first time I went to Manhattan since March 13. NYC is in the final stages of reopening for business and life. It’s not quite life as usual - we need to wear masks and practice sane social distancing.  Bars, gyms, indoor museums, indoor restaurant eating and other indoor situations that are hazardous and where it us hard to control exposure to the virus remain shuttered. 

On the 16h, the governor shut down the state, order everyone except essential workers to stay home. If you’ve been paying attention, the number of cases of Covid-19, and deaths attributed to the disease started growing very quickly around that time and would not peak for several weeks. It was the beginning of an anxiety filled, crazy time. I began working from home and shortly after, began blogging quite regularly. I guess this had become my Plague Diary of sorts. At first I’d just put a few words down, and very few pictures. Over time the words and pictures increased to a reasonable and moderate number. 

But through it all I have been looking forward to getting back into Manhattan.

Today I took a morning train into midtown. The train station was newly empty, the train sparsely settled - perhaps 10 people in the entire car. The tunnel at the north exit from GCT was empty and the streets quieter on a weekday than I’ve ever experience except maybe when there was a hurricane warning, or the day after a major snowstorm. It was eerie, it was odd, it was unexpected. But I should have expected it.

Meanwhile, Tom Cotton looks at Portland and sees Charleston SC 1861. I look at Portland and I see Boston in the 1770s, with a population angry at an occupying army and resisting tyranny in their own city. 

Tom, there were no troops rounding up Secessionists in Charleston in 1861. The Secessionists were the occupiers, and those US soldiers defending the fort in the harbor were living up to their oaths to the Constitution while the Secessionists were walking all over it. 

In Portland we see an attempt at cowing the populace by naked and brutal force, we see the US Constitution being driven over by paramilitary thugs in unmarked cars. And like the traitors of 1861, it was about defending property regardless of the cost in human lives.

And this is what Boogers For Brains, the Doofus Donald himself thinks will make America great? What will start us on the right path is Locking the sTrump'et up.

The Doofus Donald has another campaign broadcast tonight. He's pretending it's a briefing for the country on the Covid-19 virus. Does he think I'm as stupid as he is?

The photos tonight we taken today on my trip into Manhattan, beginning with the nearly deserted train station. 

Permalink http://kayester.blogspot.com/2020/07/today-was-first-time-i-went-to.html

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