
Monday, June 29, 2020

Monday - The birds are singing in the garden. Trump is braying like the mule he is.

I am sitting at my computer listening to the birdsong outside. Our garden and the woods that surround our house seem to attract a cacophony of winged animals - the birds have a diverse set of songs but also the insects that grace the evening and early morning. It's only during the earliest hours that it's quiet, and even then not as quiet as in the depths of winter. Crickets, cicadas, and other insects, and in the distance some coyotes and owls and other night animals keep up a gentle racket. But almost with first light - and I'm an early riser so I am up to hear it, the birds start their racket. 

We've got a nesting pair of Carolina Wrens, and it took us a couple of days to finally figure out what bird was making that sound and then figure out what it is. It's quite distinctive - you can search for it and there are dozens of videos of them in full-throated song. I am enjoying it.

The Chappaqua HS graduation party has turned into a small Covid-19 hot spot with more than a dozen cases diagnosed so far. The local police chief is promising his force will enforce the social-distancing rules and perhaps even fine people. There is little doubt that the combination of social distancing, masks and sanitation make a difference. The asses who think their rights are being trod upon when they are required to wear a mask are the offenders, stomping on the safety and rights of the citizenry at large. We need to socially distance ourselves from them.

It doesn't help that the a-hole-in-chief, the doofus Donald, refuses to wear a mask. And yesterday he outdid himself for doofusness, cluelessness and general idiocy. First, he claims he wasn't briefed on the Russian interference in Afghanistan, offering bounties to the Taliban and their clients to attack and kill Americans, even though intelligence sources reported it to him in March. He probably didn't pay attention, it was too complicated for his pea-brain, and went against what he wants to believe.

And then he also claims he didn't hear the White supremacy shout in the video of a Trump rally he reposted. Well, then why did he take it down? Because he got called out on it.

I imagine the a-hole-in-chief stewing in his office, wondering why he can't get away with anything, and that it doesn't even work anymore to call things false news when it's right there on tape.

Let's make sure to keep up the pressure and unelect the sTrump'et this year.

My photos tonight were taken on a trip to Buffalo, NY. They are of a railroad right-of-way that's been abandoned, the trestles and the tracks removed, left to become overgrown, walking paths and canvases for graffiti. I lived in Buffalo for a few years in the late 1960s and early 1970s. At that time, those rights-of-way were where two branches of the old Erie Lackawanna RR crossed. I would walk there in the middle of the night and watch endless freight trains passing and crossing. Now all gone. I've written about it but not published.

These pictures are a reminder. You might think them sad, but that's what's left.


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