
Sunday, June 28, 2020

Sunday - thinking about the bit of craziness in Chappaqua this past week

I got up this morning and looked at the news. One thing I didn't expect was to read and then see that Chappaqua was in the news and not for a good reason. If you hadn't heard about it, in brief, a local HS student, just graduated, who been in Florida, flew back for a graduation party held out-of-doors in the parking lot of the train station. From what I read and heard, masks were not used by all, social distancing was not enforced and several students in attendance have come down with the Covid-19 illness and others tested positive. All are in quarantine and many who were in attendance have been ordered to self-isolate.

The reality of this is that many and perhaps most 18 years olds are not really responsible people yet. Their brains are still maturing and instead of acting with consideration, there's a greater impulse to socialize, and if school is out, to party. This they do without thinking through consequences. Thus, much responsibility has to fall on the parents who either were absent when they should have been chaperoning, or were there but not doing the right thing.

We went through a very nasty and scary period during the winter and spring of this year. The first real hot spot in NY state was in Westchester, and only through a serious community effort that included social distancing, masks and general precautions, were we able to get the numbers of new cases way down and the number of hospitalizations and deaths close to none. We don't want to backslide. We are not Texas, we are not Florida. We understand that this disease is dangerous and we will deal with it.

On the outrage front, while I am at it, what was going through the sTrump'et campaign's collective minds when they ordered management of the arena in Tulsa where the a-hole-in-chief held a rally to stop posting social distancing notices in the arena and on the seats, and then going so far as to take them down themselves. I know they are all die-hard and to the death sTrump'eters, but this is carrying their dogma too far. I guess they really have drank the Kool-aid and believe that the disease will go away if they pretend it's not there.

How many people will get sick because of this?
It should be criminal but with the most corrupt president of the century in orifice, if you are his supporter, you 'll get pardoned anyway.

Let's make sure we unelect this person. Doofus Don doesn't deserve a second term, and he probably stoe the election with the help of his Russian controllers. More on them tomorrow.

And finally, today is the 50th Anniversary of the first Pride Parade in NYC. Over the years it has become very commercialized and lost some of its edge. Last year, to celebrate the 50th Anniversary of the Stonewall Uprising, a large group organized a Queer Liberation Parade. I was there to photograph it and posted three long blog entries with many but not all of my photos.

I could not go to the smaller but still important Queer Liberation Parade in NYC today but I am posting a half dozen portraits from last year's that I have not posted before.

Black Lives Matter, Queer Lives Matter. We need to end systemic anti-Black, and anti-Queer repression in the USA.


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