
Tuesday, June 23, 2020

Tuesday - sTrump'et doubles down on stupidity - wants to cut Covid-19 testing

Yesterday sTrump'et doubled down on his own idiocy: more testing means more cases of Covid-19 so we need to cut back on testing. This is getting it completely bass-ackward, looking at an unwanted result and finding fault with looking. If only it was a simple matter of a gross number of cases. If the testing was only adding asymptomatic cases, it would still be troublesome, but we are also seeing the places where new cases are increasing having increased hospital admissions, a sure sign that with or without more testing, the problem is still growing.

I don't want to say that sTrump'et's an idiot, though he might be, or that he's suffering from more dementia daily, which might be true. But I do see a definite will ignorance on his part, supported by the toadies yes-persons he surrounds himself with. He is unwilling, perhaps fatally unable to confront truths that disagree with the way he wants things to be, and since he is not able to make things go the way he wants, he pretends that it's not happening. He is so much like a little child who puts his hands over his ears, shuts his eyes tight and starts loudly intoning, "nyahnyahnyahnyah I can't hear you," and acting as if he's doing great. He isn't and his toadies and cronies are putting the nation at risk on all fronts: trade, military, global relations, you name it, the sTrump'etistas have got us going down a bad road.

What can we do about it? We can unelect him in the fall, we can strive now to make sure that happens and make sure we flip the Senate and hold the House.

Don't be cowed by the a-holes who might threaten you. Bullies are cowards and standing up to them is the best way to deal with them.

I may not love Biden but he is magnitudes better than the a-hole-in-chief we have right now.

I am running late tonight because I had a meeting to attend tonight.

Photos were taken a couple of days ago at the Kensico Dam Plaza, mostly of exercise classes being held out of doors with some or a lot of social distancing. Sometimes, exercise does not look active, but still is.



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