
Saturday, June 27, 2020

Saturday - the humidity rolled in but it didn't keep people from going out

The parking lot at the Kensico Dam Plaza was close to full this morning when I got there a little after 9AM, and there were at least half a dozen exercise classes of various types: intensity training, weight training, interval training, yoga, stretching, dance motion, sprints, and so on. The plaza is big enough so that a dozen or so people taking a class can stay separate and also far from the next class. 

It's a generally mellow vibe, which is nice. Nobody seems uptight about me taking pictures and sometimes I stop and say hello and take a semi-candid or posed shot, with the subject's permission. It's definitely pleasant. Yet I do feel a need to find another place to walk.

I read something disturbing this morning, about Trump's attitude toward masks. He was interviewed in the Wall Street Journal, by Michael C. Bender. I do not have access to the full article but it was reported in several places that he said sTrump'et said some Americans might wear face masks not as a way to prevent the spread of the Coronavirus but as a way to “signal disapproval of him.” 

Seriously? Once again he proves himself to be an egotistical paranoid maniac, a dangerous man who views his allies as with him and everyone else is out to get him. 

It's frustrating that he is the president of the United States, frustrating that his every fart is considered newsworthy, and all he knows how to do is fart about how great he is, how great a job he's doing and isn't he the best person in the world. This man has a most distorted self-image and the sad thing is, many people believe him, and think it impossible to disagree with him, even to the point of threatening the lives of those who publicly disagree with him. And they become outraged and violently angry when a mirror is held up so they are forced to view their own misdeeds. I am beginning to feel that there is no such thing as a rational supporter of Dumpster Donald, the sTrump'et himself.

We must unelect him if we are to have a chance of saving America from its own worst.

A few pictures of people exercising and relaxing at the Kensico Dam Plaza:


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